Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Mine
The Sleeping Beauty Mine is located in Globe, Arizona, but is no longer an active mine. For many years it produced a wide range of turquoise that is now even more highly prized for it's solid soft blue color, with little or no matrix. The color of sleeping beauty turquoise ranges from a deep royal blue to a light sky blue. originally, the Sleeping beauty turquoise mine was worked for copper and gold but during the last five decades or so it produced gemstone quality turquoise in quantities to satisfy the commercial market. In general, the miners lease portions of the “dumps” and sort turquoise from there.

Sleeping Beauty Enhanced
This material was enhanced in the 1970's. There are no chemicals added, as the process is electro-magnetic. Color is an outstanding dark blue and is very hard.

Sleeping Beauty, A Grade Chips
Perfect for wood work, filler or craft work. A good robins egg blue. Chunkier and cleaner than the B Grade chips

Sleeping Beauty, A-Grade, Extra Extra Extra Large
Each piece 23-27 grams.
These are huge pieces mined in the 1970's. Very large pieces in a soft blue color.
These are huge pieces mined in the 1970's. Very large pieces in a soft blue color.

Sleeping Beauty, A-Grade, Extra Extra Large
Each piece 18-22 grams.
This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise + is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.
This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise + is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.

Sleeping Beauty, A-Grade, Extra Large
Each piece is 12-17 grams. This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise + is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.

Sleeping Beauty, A-Grade, Large
Each piece is 7-11 grams.
This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise + is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.
This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise + is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.

Sleeping Beauty, A-Grade, Medium
Each piece is 3-7 grams. This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise and is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.

Sleeping Beauty, A-Grade, Small
Each piece is under 3 grams.
This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise and is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.
This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise and is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand.

Sleeping Beauty, B Grade Chips
Perfect for wood work, filler or craft work. Very good blue material. smaller and not quite as clean as the A Grade chunkier chips

Sleeping Beauty, B-Grade, Tumbled
This clear blue material was mined in the 1970's, when we all thought this material would be available forever. The mine ran out of turquoise and is now closed, making this material rare and in high demand. This is a B grade tumbled material, meaning they are dime to nickel sized nuggets in a soft blue, perfect as pocket pieces.
Ajax Turquoise
Arizona Blue Turquoise
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Sleeping Beauty Turquoise
Other Turquoise & Variscite Mines
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