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20 Tales & Images from Gem Trader Jeff Lewis Stories from a Trader's Life - Get Stories and Chapters

Evans Turquoise Mine

The Evans Mine is located in Baja, California. It is one of the few mines south of the border that has yielded such a wide variety of turquoise. Colors range from a high blue with a beautiful brown matrix to a green with gold matrix. The formation runs from thin veins of dark blue turquoise to nuggets to flats. There is an extremely limited amount of this material on the market because the mine was covered up in the 1990’s.
Evans Cabbing Rough

Evans Cabbing Rough

This is a nice chunky material from an extinct mine in Baja, California. It is great higher grade for cabbing. No disappointments,
Evans Cabbing Rough $5.00  per gram choose quantity:  grams
Evans High Grade

Evans High Grade

This is Higrade from the Extinct Mine in Baja, California. Plates of soft blue green turquoise is good for cabs or inlay.
Evans $8.00  per gram choose quantity:  grams

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