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20 Tales & Images from Gem Trader Jeff Lewis Stories from a Trader's Life - Get Stories and Chapters

Green Snail

Green Snail has various origins, but all snail we carry has been ecologically collected through a strict regulatory system. Green Snail has a white background with pearlescent colours over the entire surface on the inside. The outer shell is brown with green, black and white markings. When polished, the outer shell is the same white pearlescent colour as the inside. The hardness of Green Snail is 2.5 mohs and best uses are in inlay, cabbing, bead making and carving. We carry Green Snail in rough whole shell, cut pieces, discs and nubs. Please see below for pricing and details.
Green Snail Whole Shell Polished 7" Diameter

Green Snail Whole Shell Polished 7" Diameter

Green Snail Whole Shell Polished $300  each choose quantity:  each
Green Snail Whole Shell Rough

Green Snail Whole Shell Rough

Green Snail Whole Shell Rough $6.00  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Green Snail Cut Pieces

Green Snail Cut Pieces

Green Snail Cut Pieces $6.00  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Green Snail Nubs

Green Snail Nubs

Green Snail Nubs $6.00  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Blue Snail Whole Shell Rough

Blue Snail Whole Shell Rough

Blue Snail Whole Shell Rough $9.00  each choose quantity:  each
Brown Snail Whole Shell Rough

Brown Snail Whole Shell Rough

Brown Snail Whole Shell Rough $4.00  each choose quantity:  each
Green Snail Plug Disc 11mm

Green Snail Plug Disc 11mm

Green Snail Plug Disc 11mm $1.50  each choose quantity:  each

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