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20 Tales & Images from Gem Trader Jeff Lewis Stories from a Trader's Life - Get Stories and Chapters


Green Abalone originates from the Pacific Coast of Baja, California. The colour ranges from predominantly green with violet to red, blue and gold. The hardness of this shell is 2.5 mohs with the best uses in inlay, cabbing, bead making and as a decorative accent. We carry Green Abalone in whole shell rough, whole shell polished, polished nuggets and Red Abalone in whole shell rough and polished nuggets. Please see below for pricing and details.
Green Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Green Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Green Abalone Whole Shell Rough $3.00  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Green Abalone Whole Shell Polished

Green Abalone Whole Shell Polished

Green Abalone Whole Shell Polished $40.00  each choose quantity:
Pink Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Pink Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Pink Abalone Whole Shell Rough $2.00  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Black Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Black Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Black Abalone Whole Shell Rough $6.00  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Red Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Red Abalone Whole Shell Rough

Red Abalone Whole Shell Rough $6.00  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Abalone Polished Nuggets

Abalone Polished Nuggets

Tumbled Abalone $15  per oz. choose quantity:  oz
Abalone Sand

Abalone Sand

Sand Abalone $15  per oz. choose quantity:  oz

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