
Orders will be shipped within 10 days via USPS, insured. All orders are shipped via USPS priority at a charge of $12 unless prior arrangements are made. We accept Visa, MasterCard, , cashier's check, money orders and paypal.
All information you provide us with is kept strictly confidential. We will never sell or rent your information to any outside party or company
Refund policy: exchanges may be made within 7 days of purchase with prior approval.
Ordering Options
There are a number of ways to submit an order to TradeRoots. The first option is to use the shopping cart system attached to each product. To use the cart, simply click on the "Add to Cart" link following the item you're interested in. From there you will be taken to the shopping cart where you may change quantities, delete items from your order, continue shopping or check out.
Our shopping cart uses a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection, meaning your information is heavily encrypted against outside access.
If you choose not to use the above method, we can also process your order by fax. Just print out the printable order form and fax it to us at: (505) 982-8688.

Please mail to:
411 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
To order by phone, call us at: