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Cloud Mountain 145.24 cts.
This mine is located in the Hubei Province, in central China and has been the most prolific mining districts in Asia. The Mohs hardness ranges from a 4 to 5.5. The qualities that come from Hubei range from very soft material, needing to be treated to make it usable, to an attractive green spider web, to a very hard and fine blue with dark veined spider web matrix that could be considered some of the world’s finest gem grade turquoise. This material is steadily going up in value.
This 145.24 ct. parcel is an excellent example of Cloud Mountain blue turquoise with fine spiderweb. These free form cabs would be excellent for wire wrap or prong set jewelry. The parcel sells for $700 which is $4.60 per ct. Individual stones run $6 per ct. for your choice. This material is steadily going up in value.
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