Charoite is a bright purple material that was discovered in 1976 on the Chara River in the Russian Far East, near Yakutiya. Charoite contains inclusions of augite, feldspar and tinaksite. It is often highly chatoyant, with a hardness of five. Associated with major personal transition, charoite lets you know that you are ready to confront emotional blocks that are keeping you from your mental or spiritual path. Charoite facilitates integration between the heart and spirit, causing alignment between the physical body and our perfect self.
An emanation of the purple ray, charoite cleanses and purifies one’s energy body, transmuting our negative energies. It speaks to the spirit in all of us and assists in peeling away the layers of emotion that keep us from knowing our true direction.
An emanation of the purple ray, charoite cleanses and purifies one’s energy body, transmuting our negative energies. It speaks to the spirit in all of us and assists in peeling away the layers of emotion that keep us from knowing our true direction.